Our bees bring us great joy. They let us be their keeper. They give us some of the finest honey you can imagine, made from Alaskan wildflowers and the blossoms from our vegetable garden. Check our our social media activity for more information. We will show you our hives, how we prepare to overwinter them in our subarctic environment, info about the mosquito sprays that are used locally that kill honey bees, examples of local pollen, microscopy and more.
To Purchase Our Honey, Order and Read Below
We do not ship our honey. However, if you are in the Fairbanks area, you can place an order and arrange to pick it up in town.
Our honey:
Our honey is made by our bees in Goldstream Valley, Alaska on Happy Creek Farm. Our bees are our priority and on our farm we grow with the bees in mind. We have natural sources of pollen and nectar that bloom as soon as our temperatures allow and past the point of when the fireweed has finished blossoming. We plant for our bees to increase their nutrition and extend their season. This gives our bees as much time as possible to gather the most nutrition from the environment. This assures them good health, but also helps them produce the best honey that is all the more beneficial. Honey is already full of antioxidants. It is also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It has numerous other health benefits as well.
They honey we sell is clean. This means the bees are foraging on flowers that are not treated with any herbicides, pesticides or anything else. Our honey is pure. Nothing is added. Honey that you buy from a store often contains added, “honey product,” such as rice or corn syrup. Not ours.
You might notice a difference in the colors of our honey. That’s because we harvest it frame by frame and extract it by color. The different colors are a result of the bees foraging on different blossoms. The lightest honey we sell is almost clear and is primarily from fireweed. It is the sweetest. The golden-amber honey is our mid season honey and has a more complex, rich taste. Our darkest honey, we call it black honey, includes a lot of vegetable blossoms as well as berry blossoms and flower blossoms and is rich and higher in antioxidants.
Our honey is also raw and unpasteurized so it might appear cloudy. This is from the pollen and propolis, that also add health benefits. Pasteurizing or cooking the honey destroys its health benefits. Note that your honey might crystallize. If it does and you want to melt it, put the jar in a warm water bath. If you microwave it, it will kill the good stuff inside.
One of the questions we are asked is why is local honey more expensive than honey bought from other areas. Beekeeping requires a lot of human time and energy. Supplies are expensive as are the costs of packaging (we use glass so the container is recyclable and does not contain chemicals that leach into the honey), equipment etc. If you are buying honey that is inexpensive, read the label closely and do some research to find out why.
We are only able to sell the honey that we have each season. When we run out that is all we have until the next season. If you want to specify the color of your honey, please do and if we have it on hand, we will make it available for you. If we do not, we will contact you and let you know what alternatives are available. Not all of our honeys are available all the time. So please prepared to make an alternate choice.
Thank you for buying our honey. If you want to learn more about us or keep up with what we are doing, we post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter under Happy Creek Farm. Our YouTube channel is @ASubarcticBeekeeper.